Amnesty International: American munitions killed 43 civilians in two documented Israeli raids

  US-made Joint Direct Attack Munitions (JDAM) were used by the Israeli military in two deadly, unlawful air strikes on homes full of civil...

UNICEF: Child casualties in Gaza “a growing stain on our collective conscience”

 The United Nations Children's Fund ( UNICEF ) said that 2,360 children have been killed since the beginning of the war in the Gaza St...

UN's OCHA: Israel commits widespread war crimes in Gaza, humanitarian catastrophe is imminent

Palestinian Territory - The Israeli forces destroyed at least 70 industrial facilities and 970 residential units in the Gaza Strip, document...

Chinese envoy urges US to immediately lift Syria sanctions to return 'hope of survival' to children

Chinese envoy urges immediate lifting of unilateral sanctions on Syria to return the "hope of survival" to children in the countr...

UN Gaza report co-authors slam Goldstone

Three members of the UN fact-finding mission on the Gaza war of 2008-09 have turned on the fourth member and chair of the group, Richard Gol...

Amnesty: U.S., Europe shielding Israel over Gaza war crimes

In its annual report, the rights group accuses Israel of continually violating human rights in Gaza with its ongoing economic siege. Amnesty...






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