Report by a coalition of prestigious academic institutions: Israel committing genocide in Gaza

A comprehensive and meticulous  study by a coalition of prestigious academic institutions has concluded that Israel’s actions in Gaza since...

Colonna report: No evidence yet of Israel’s claims against UNWRA

According to an independent review led by former French foreign minister Catherine Colonna, Israel has yet to provide supporting evidence of...

UN Gaza report co-authors slam Goldstone

Three members of the UN fact-finding mission on the Gaza war of 2008-09 have turned on the fourth member and chair of the group, Richard Gol...

Amnesty: U.S., Europe shielding Israel over Gaza war crimes

In its annual report, the rights group accuses Israel of continually violating human rights in Gaza with its ongoing economic siege. Amnesty...

Goldstone family drawn into row over Gaza report

• War crimes jurist attacked for report critical of Israel • Jewish groups threaten to disrupt bar mitzvah Chris McGreal in Washington guar...

Hunger getting worse every year

According to FAO, the number of people affected by hunger is not more than one billion people. In fact, the most recent figures indicate tha...

Palestinian draft resolution on Goldstone, Gaza and Jerusalem

Palestinian Authority will present to the United Nations, calling for condemnation of Israel over its actions in Jerusalem, the Gaza conflic...






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