Is it a genocide only if it happens to my people?

Jews around the world often claim that they understand the meaning of genocide because the Jews of Europe were subjected to one—the Holocaus...

The International Court of Justice issues its preliminary decision in the genocide case filed by South Africa against Israel and rejects the latter's request to dismiss the case

In a preliminary ruling, the ICJ affirms the right of Palestinians in Gaza for protection against genocide The Court, relying on statements ...

Namibia president: Germany committed genocide in our country...and supports it in Gaza

The State of Namibia condemned Germany's support for "Israel" before the International Court of Justice, declaring its refusal...

South Africa v Israel: Full Text of South Africa's application to the ICJ, oral arguments, and Court Orders

South Africa accused Israel of carrying out genocide against Palestinians in Gaza – a claim that Israel has strongly denied as "baseles...

The first session of the case South Africa v. Israel before the International Court of Justice started today

The first hearing began at the International Court of Justice in the case brought by South Africa against "Israel" on charges of c...

International Court of Justice set January 11 for the first session to consider South Africa’s request to try Israel on charges of committing genocide in its war on Gaza

South Africa announced that the International Court of Justice has set January 11 to hold the first session to consider a request to try Isr...


Save the Children issued a statement  about the state of children and the impact of the war in Gaza . The statement and its coverage and rel...

Hunger, famine, and starvation in Gaza

UN emergency relief chief Martin Griffiths just declared that famine is “around the corner” as people in Gaza face the “highest levels of fo...

Narratives of Genocide from Rwanda to Palestine

Extermination operations. These dark chapters of human history are compelling evidence of human brutality and ruthless killing. The painful ...

FIDH: The unfolding genocide against the Palestinians must stop immediately

FIDH International Board – the elected body of legal experts and human rights defenders from all over the world – adopted a resolution recog...

ICC Lawyer, Gilles Duver: It's not just Israel's military aggression, it's not just war crimes or crimes against humanity, it's actual genocide

Vladimir Putin was indicted for allegedly transferring some children, alive, from a war zone to Russia. The ICC acted . Thousands of childre...

Nobel Prize Winner, Aung San Suu Kyi, presiding over the Rohingya Genocide

Desmond Tutu condemns Aung San Suu Kyi: 'Silence is too high a price' Nobel laureate issues heartfelt letter to fellow peace prize...

An Israeli newspaper publishes then removes article that condone genocide

An Israeli newspaper appeared to attempt to avert a backlash on Friday evening, when it removed a post entitled "When Genocide is Per...

The Anglo-Saxon Extermination of the Indigenous Peoples of the Americas: The Genocidal Action of U.S. Government since 1776

The story of the United States is often painted as one of progress and liberty. Yet, woven into the fabric of this narrative is a dark threa...






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