Amnesty International: Israel must be investigated for war crime of 'wanton destruction'

Detailed analysis of satellite imagery and social media videos reveals extent of Israeli military’s destruction of property in its ‘buffer zone’

More than 3,500 structures destroyed or severely damaged, and more than 20km² of agricultural land in this area shows a decline in health and density of crops

‘People have not just lost their homes, but also their livelihoods. The whole of Gaza has lost its food production’ - Khuza’a resident Tahani al-Najjar

The Israeli military’s campaign to significantly expand a “buffer zone” along the eastern perimeter of the occupied Gaza Strip should be investigated as the war crimes of wanton destruction and of collective punishment, Amnesty International said in a new investigation today.


The Civil Defense teams risked their lives to rescue two injured Palestinians trapped under the rubble of a school  in Gaza after being targeted by the Israeli forces


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