UAE: Attorney General orders immediate investigation and referral to urgent trial of Bangladeshi protesters

Gulf States have a zero tolerance policy for public expression of dissent even if it is done peacefully. The Gulf States' rulers intoler...

Europe’s funding of "Human dumps" in the desert in the desert, and North African Countries Complicity in Abuse of Migrants

The investigation undertaken by the Washington Post and advocacy organizations examines the support and funding of the European Union and s...

The director of the International Organization for Migration warns against "demonization" of migrants and their use as "weapons" for political gain

The incoming director-general of the International Organization for Migration, Amy Pope, has denounced the tendency to "demonize" ...

Is There a Right to Immigrate?

1. The Immigration Question Every year, close to one million individuals from foreign nations migrate to the United States legally. But...

Trump’s EO is a Muslim ban and violates the Constitution, according to International Refugee Assistance Project ("IRAP") v. Trump

RICHMOND, Va. — In a 10-3 ruling, a federal appeals court today ruled President Trump’s revised Muslim ban executive order is unconstitut...

What To Do When Faced With Anti-Muslim Discrimination (with Arabic)

Apathy in the Face of Cruelty

Since the start of the Libyan uprising, mainstream news outlets have reported that African and even Eastern European mercenaries were fighti...






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