Media Reports on Israel's abuse of Palestinians: The horrors of Israel's shadowy detention facility for Palestinian prisoners

Recently, CNN decided to investigate the conditions under which Palestinian are held. It was denied access. It relied on the recollection of...

Decades of child sexual violence and rape at Illinois juvenile detention centers in Illinois , USA

Child sexual violence at Illinois juvenile detention centers was pervasive and systemic for decades, according to disturbing accounts in a l...

Israeli doctor: Israeli military and health services are violating the “Detention of Unlawful Combatants” law, which Israel amended last December

 An Israeli doctor working in the secret prison established by the Israeli occupation army in the Negev after the attack of last October 7 r...

Torture in USA: First of 6 officers gets 20 years over torture of two Black men

 The only thing that is universal about human rights is that human rights abuses are universal—they take place in every society. In modern t...

BBC: "Released Palestinians tell the BBC the “violations” they were subjected to in Israeli prisons"

Palestinian prisoners released from Israeli jails say that guards carried out abuse and collective punishment in the weeks after the Hamas ...

A court in France condemns the State for violating the rights of detainees: prisons infested with bugs and mold

Administrative wisdom in the French city of Montpellier condemned the French state for the inhuman and degrading treatment of convicts held ...

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