بن علي يعزل والي سيدي بوزيد

إحدى مظاهرات الاحتجاجات الاجتماعية في تونس (الفرنسية) عزل الرئيس التونسي زين العابدين بن علي اليوم الخميس والي سيدي بوزيد التي انطلقت منه...

Turkey demands Israel apologize for Gaza flotilla raid

By Reuters Tags: Israel news Israel fire Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan Benjamin Netanyahu Turkey still expects an apology and compensation for...

In The News Now (ITN2): Islamic World Newswire; Islamic World in the News Now: wikileaks docs: Saudi king urges US strike on Iran...

In The News Now (ITN2): Islamic World Newswire; Islamic World in the News Now: wikileaks docs: Saudi king urges US strike on Iran... : "...

In The News Now (ITN2): Islamic World Newswire; Islamic World in the News Now: wikileaks docs: Saudi king urges US strike on Iran...

In The News Now (ITN2): Islamic World Newswire; Islamic World in the News Now: wikileaks docs: Saudi king urges US strike on Iran... : "...






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