Syria condemns deadly 'US raid'

Syria has condemned an alleged US raid that killed at least eight people in the country's east...

Syria condemns deadly 'US raid'

Syria has condemned an alleged US raid that killed at least eight people in the country's east...

U.S. military 'Red Team': Jihadist, Islamist, Needed Terms

In The News (ITN): Islamic World Newswire; Muslim World News : "A U.S. military 'Red Team' charged with challenging conventiona...

U.S. military 'Red Team': Jihadist, Islamist, Needed Terms

In The News (ITN): Islamic World Newswire; Muslim World News : "A U.S. military 'Red Team' charged with challenging conventiona...

US admits higher Afghan raid toll (play video clip) The video thought to show victims of the a...

US admits higher Afghan raid toll (play video clip) The video thought to show victims of the a...

30 Civilians Died in Afghan Raid, U.S. Inquiry Finds

WASHINGTON — An investigation by the military has concluded that American airstrikes on Aug. 22 in a village in western Afghanistan killed ...

30 Civilians Died in Afghan Raid, U.S. Inquiry Finds

WASHINGTON — An investigation by the military has concluded that American airstrikes on Aug. 22 in a village in western Afghanistan killed ...






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