On the US Supreme Court ruling on Trump immunity and its impact on human rights

The US high court ruling on the presidential immunity is now being processed and spun as political matter. When partisan fervor settles do...

Aljazeera exclusive photos show Israeli security and armed forces using Palestinian prisoners as human shields

Al Jazeera has obtained exclusive new images showing the Israeli occupation army using Palestinian prisoners as human shields during the fi...

UN: Evidence of crimes against humanity of extermination, gender persecution targeting Palestinian men and boys, murder, forcible transfer, and torture and inhuman and cruel treatment

The UN Independent International Commission Inquiry on the Occupied Palestinian Territory found evidence of crimes against humanity of exter...

The Guardian: Israeli abuse of jailed Palestinian leader Marwan Barghouti ‘amounts to torture’

Confirming testimony by detained Palestinians who have been released recently and a UN agency report , The Guardian reported that not only ...

New York Times reporting on Palestinian Prisoners in Israeli detention centers: Beatings, electrocution and sexual assaults.. The hell that Gaza detainees live in

The  New York Times conducted an investigative report from inside a military base in southern Israel where Palestinian civilians from the Ga...

UN experts: “Israel” buried Palestinians alive in mass graves in Gaza

 United Nations experts revealed that the 390 bodies recently found in mass graves in Nasser and Shifa hospitals in the Gaza Strip, a number...

HRW Report: Israeli settlers have assaulted, tortured, and committed sexual violence against Palestinians

Human Rights Watch investigated attacks by Israeli settlers and found that Palestinians were subjected to violence, torture, and sexual viol...

Torture in USA: First of 6 officers gets 20 years over torture of two Black men

 The only thing that is universal about human rights is that human rights abuses are universal—they take place in every society. In modern t...

Ajith Songhai, rep of the UNCHR: Horrific details of the circumstances of Israel's detention of thousands of Palestinians in Gaza... Humiliation, stripping, searches, and insults beyond imagination

Israeli forces have likely detained thousands of men in the Gaza Strip since the start of the war against Hamas, and they often face conditi...

Washington Post Report: Gazan prisoners describe abuse at secretive Israeli detention sites

Jihad Hamouda, a 20-year-old Palestinian citizen of Gaza City, told the Washington Post about his suffering in an Israeli detention center....

Israeli media investigation report: Stripped, shocked, and beaten... at the hands of the Israeli occupation forces

The Israeli magazine "+972" and the "Local Call" website conducted a joint journalistic investigation that revealed aspe...

Israel's Guantánamo: Euro-Med Monitor calls for international probe into Israel’s torture and murder of Gaza detainees

The Euro-Mediterranean Observatory, in a report today , Monday, indicated that the testimonies it collected were consistent with what was re...

The Gaza War: Horrific testimonies of Palestinians arrested by Israel from the Gaza Strip and then released

The BBC Arabic team conducted special interviews and recorded documented testimonies with a number of citizens from the Gaza Strip who were ...

Israeli troops rounded up thousands of Palestinians, forcing them to strip to their underwear, transporting them undisclosed concentration camps and incarceration sites

Israeli troops rounded up thousands of Palestinians, forcing them to strip to their underwear, transporting them undisclosed concentration c...

BBC: "Released Palestinians tell the BBC the “violations” they were subjected to in Israeli prisons"

Palestinian prisoners released from Israeli jails say that guards carried out abuse and collective punishment in the weeks after the Hamas ...

The Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor documents the torture of Palestinian detainees by occupation soldiers

The Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor said on Tuesday that it documented severe abuse and torture against civilians and Palestinian d...

Photos published for the first time; atrocious methods of torture in Guantanamo

Although many years have passed since the establishment of the Guantanamo prison, amid the international and human rights criticisms that su...

Bahrain: Death Sentences Follow Torture, Sham Trials; Court Records Show Pervasive Rights Violations

(Beirut) – Bahraini courts have convicted and sentenced defendants to death following manifestly unfair trials, based solely or primarily on...

Saudi Arabia executes 4 prisoners for the charges of demonstrating after torture, unfair trial and without serious crimes charged

On July 11, 2017, Saudi Arabia executed four detainees: Amjad al-Moaibad, Yusuf al-Mushayyas, Zaher al-Basri and Mahdi al-Sayegh. The ...

السعودية ـ قوانين الإرهاب الجديدة تتعدى على الحقوق حملة لإسكات النشطاء السلميين






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