Sudan War: Massacres, Torture, and Displacement--another Proxy War?

Just days ago, another massacre in Sudan. Nearly 200 people were killed and hundreds injured in the village of Wad al-Nura in Sudan's Ge...

US munitions used to bomb UNRWA school in Gaza killing 45 people

CNN reported on Thursday that the munitions used in the Israeli raid on a UN school in central Gaza were American-made munitions. CNN expla...

Israel's use of American Mark 80 bombs has devastating and disproportionate effects when dropped on targets in Gaza, a mostly densely populated urban area

When President Joe Biden threatened in recent days to halt some arms shipments to Israel if it proceeded with its plans to invade Rafah in t...

Israel’s indiscriminate, disproportionate retaliation cannot be explained away by the gravity of the attack of Oct. 7

Israeli leaders and their supporters among Western leaders justify the atrocities which the people of Gaza have endured for more than 200 da...

Reports: The destruction of Gaza surpasses the most destructive campaign in modern history... worse than what took place in Dresden and Rotterdam

What Israel did in Gaza in first three months of its war on Gaza, is worse than what took place in Dresden over a two year period. Five mon...






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