Starvation as a weapon of War

Senior US State Department official Stacey Gilbert has revealed that the State Department falsified a report to exonerate Israel from blocki...

The International Criminal Prosecutor requests the issuance of arrest warrants against Netanyahu and Gallant on charges of committing war crimes

The Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court , Karim Ahmed Khan, submitted requests to issue arrest warrants against the Israeli Prime...

The White House: We do not consider what is happening in Gaza to be “genocide”

US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan said on Monday that President Joe Biden's administration does not consider Israel's killi...

UN experts: “Israel” buried Palestinians alive in mass graves in Gaza

 United Nations experts revealed that the 390 bodies recently found in mass graves in Nasser and Shifa hospitals in the Gaza Strip, a number...

Colonna report: No evidence yet of Israel’s claims against UNWRA

According to an independent review led by former French foreign minister Catherine Colonna, Israel has yet to provide supporting evidence of...

HRW Says Israel Is Starving Children to Death in Gaza

Human Rights Watch finds that "Israeli government’s use of starvation as a weapon of war has proven deadly for children in Gaza." ...

World Central Kitchen founder José Andrés: “It seems Israel is waging a war against humanity itself”

It took a cook who likes to feed the hungry to shame Western leaders to stop the killing of civilians in Gaza. During an interview with the ...

UNRWA: Hunger is everywhere in the Gaza Strip

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) said on Sunday that hunger has become everywhere in the Gaza Strip...

Gaza's Flour Massacre: "Flour mixed with blood"

A day after Israel’s attack on civilians in Gaza who were waiting for the arrival of food, a harrowing image of cruelty is emerging as repor...

Washington Post Report: Gazan prisoners describe abuse at secretive Israeli detention sites

Jihad Hamouda, a 20-year-old Palestinian citizen of Gaza City, told the Washington Post about his suffering in an Israeli detention center....

Hunger, famine, and starvation in Gaza

UN emergency relief chief Martin Griffiths just declared that famine is “around the corner” as people in Gaza face the “highest levels of fo...

Human Rights Watch: Israel Using Starvation as Weapon of War in Gaza

Human Rights Watch: Evidence Indicates Civilians Deliberately Denied Access to Food, Water The Israeli government is using starvation of civ...






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