Muslims are main victims of terrorism: US report

Muslims are taking the brunt of the world's terrorist attacks, which in 2006 rose by 3,000 or 25 percent with the occupation of Iraq and...

Al-Maliki denies civil war in Iraq - Independent Online Edition > Middle East

Al-Maliki denies civil war in Iraq - Independent Online Edition > Middle East : Al-Maliki denies civil war in Iraq ...

Al-Maliki denies civil war in Iraq - Independent Online Edition > Middle East

Al-Maliki denies civil war in Iraq - Independent Online Edition > Middle East : Al-Maliki denies civil war in Iraq ...

Al Jazeera English - News

Al Jazeera English - News : Palestinian minister 'resigns' ...

Al Jazeera English - News

Al Jazeera English - News : Palestinian minister 'resigns' ...






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