Human Rights Report: UK, USA, emboldened the government of Bahrain that is committing unlawful killings, torture, and imprisonment of peaceful protesters

A new report published by Amnesty International today sheds light on the repressive tactics used by the Bahraini government over the past ...

Bahrain: Still fighting for change

Bahrainis who were featured in a recent episode of People & Power have now either been arrested or are in hiding. People and Power Last ...

Bahrain: Forecasting the Future

By Dr. Robert D. Crane Finally, the need for justice in Bahrain has become newsworthy. Unfortunately, Bahrain may be the only Muslim ...

Bahrain: 16, Including Minors, Sentenced to 15 Years in Prison in Unfair Trial

The Bahrain Center for Human Rights expresses grave concern over the detention and sentencing of 16 Bahraini citizens to 15 years imp...

SOUAIAIA: Are Arab World Revolutions different?

SOUAIAIA: Are Arab World Revolutions different? : "Family members mourn during a funeral for slain anti-government protester Ali Ahmed ...

Damming the stream of the Arab spring

Damming the stream of the Arab spring by Ahmed E. Souaiaia After months of fighting, the Libyan rebels entered Tripoli, the capital from...

Bahrain: Death Sentences Follow Torture, Sham Trials; Court Records Show Pervasive Rights Violations

(Beirut) – Bahraini courts have convicted and sentenced defendants to death following manifestly unfair trials, based solely or primarily on...

In The News Now (ITN2): Islamic World Newswire; Islamic World in the News Now: Poll success for Bahrain Shia bloc

In The News Now (ITN2): Islamic World Newswire; Islamic World in the News Now: Poll success for Bahrain Shia bloc : "Bahrain's main...

Protester to Bahrain security forces: “You criminals! You murderers! You hope to escape God’s wrath? God will avenge us! Go on, shoot me! Shoot me if you dare, I won’t leave!”

“You criminals! You murderers! You hope to escape God’s wrath? God will avenge us! Go on, shoot me! Shoot me if you dare, I won’t leave!” ...

In The News Now (ITN2): Islamic World Newswire; Islamic World in the News Now: Poll success for Bahrain Shia bloc

In The News Now (ITN2): Islamic World Newswire; Islamic World in the News Now: Poll success for Bahrain Shia bloc : "Bahrain's main...

The arrest of a Bahraini activist reveal that only regimes that abuse the rights of its people are willing to join US

The American newspaper "The New York Times" reported on Thursday that the Bahraini authorities' arrest of activist Ibrahim Sha...

Bahrain puts boy aged 11 on trial for alleged role in roadblock protest

Ali Hasan says he was just playing in the street when he was arrested. He was 'forced' to confess and was detained in jail At ...

The Gulf Cooperative Council and the Arab Spring

The Arab world is fundamentally changing, and many Arab leaders are racing to adapt.  Showing increased signs of nervousness, the leaders of...

'Not for a single moment' has Israel ceased illegal settlement activities, Fourth Committee told, opening discussion of Israeli practices in occupied

GA/SPD/443 Sixty-fourth General Assembly Fourth Committee 23rd Meeting (AM) 'Terrifying Logic' of Israeli Expansionism Dramatically ...






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