Sudan War: Massacres, Torture, and Displacement--another Proxy War?

Just days ago, another massacre in Sudan. Nearly 200 people were killed and hundreds injured in the village of Wad al-Nura in Sudan's Ge...

New York Times reporting on Palestinian Prisoners in Israeli detention centers: Beatings, electrocution and sexual assaults.. The hell that Gaza detainees live in

The  New York Times conducted an investigative report from inside a military base in southern Israel where Palestinian civilians from the Ga...

Court Ruling: “from the river to the sea Palestine will be free” is not illegal; is protected speech

In November, IN Germany, Berlin criminalizes slogan 'From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be free'. In the US, Congress held he...

US munitions used to bomb UNRWA school in Gaza killing 45 people

CNN reported on Thursday that the munitions used in the Israeli raid on a UN school in central Gaza were American-made munitions. CNN expla...

Europe’s funding of "Human dumps" in the desert in the desert, and North African Countries Complicity in Abuse of Migrants

The investigation undertaken by the Washington Post and advocacy organizations examines the support and funding of the European Union and s...






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