Israel's Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich: Death of 2 million Palestinians in Gaza from hunger "may be just and moral"

Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich said on Monday that the starvation of two million Palestinians in the Gaza Strip "may be just...

Media Reporting, Revealed: first picture of war on terror detainee in CIA black site

The Guardian newspaper published today a report about CIA black sites where suspects were held and interrogated. Here are some excerpts fro...

Israel is Torturing Palestinians to Death in Inhumane Detention Centers

Describing detention centers as "Guantanamo Israel", The "Washington Post" documents horrific testimonies of violations ...

US doctors calling for cease-fire: Gaza casualties may exceed 92,000

A group of  45 American volunteer doctors and nurses signed an open letter addressed to US President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Har...

Investigative Report: Britain Covers Up Footage Documenting Occupation Bombing of International Aid Convoy in Gaza

A report by the British investigative journalism website Declassified revealed that the British government is covering up footage filmed by...






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