US retired general and former Joint Chiefs of Staff, Mark Milley: We slaughtered people in massive numbers of innocent people

Mark Milley, US retired general who served as the 20th chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said during the AI Expo for National Competiti...

Decades of child sexual violence and rape at Illinois juvenile detention centers in Illinois , USA

Child sexual violence at Illinois juvenile detention centers was pervasive and systemic for decades, according to disturbing accounts in a l...

Reports: The destruction of Gaza surpasses the most destructive campaign in modern history... worse than what took place in Dresden and Rotterdam

What Israel did in Gaza in first three months of its war on Gaza, is worse than what took place in Dresden over a two year period. Five mon...

ICC staff threatened: "Target Israel and we will target you"

Days after the International Criminal Court prosecutor warned  against unspecified threats and intimidation, amid reports that Israel is co...

UN experts: “Israel” buried Palestinians alive in mass graves in Gaza

 United Nations experts revealed that the 390 bodies recently found in mass graves in Nasser and Shifa hospitals in the Gaza Strip, a number...






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