Reports: The destruction of Gaza surpasses the most destructive campaign in modern history... worse than what took place in Dresden and Rotterdam

What Israel did in Gaza in first three months of its war on Gaza, is worse than what took place in Dresden over a two year period. Five months later, and with Israel's new wave of bombardment of Rafah, the level of destruction and cruelty sets new historical record and it is all done with the weapon systems that the US government has been providing to the State of Israel.

After three months from the start of the bombardment of Gaza, the American Wall Street Journal published a report on the impact of the devastation caused by the Israeli aggression on Gaza, describing that the war left destruction comparable to the most destructive campaign in modern history.

The newspaper indicated that Israel dropped 29,000 bombs, destroying approximately 70% of the homes in the Strip. She added that the bombing had damaged Byzantine churches, historic mosques, factories, commercial centers, luxury hotels, theaters and schools.

She confirmed that a large part of the water, electricity, communications, and healthcare infrastructure in the Gaza Strip has become beyond repair.

The report also stated that most of the Gaza Strip's 36 hospitals are closed, and treatment is accepted in only 8 hospitals. In addition, the occupation destroyed olive groves, citrus trees, and greenhouses. This means that almost half of the buildings in Gaza were damaged or destroyed.

According to the World Bank report, by December 12, the war had destroyed 77% of health facilities, 72% of municipal services such as parks, courts, and libraries, 68% of communications infrastructure, and 76% of commercial sites, including almost complete destruction. For the industrial zone in the north.

According to the United Nations, approximately 342 schools were damaged, including 70 private schools. More than half of the roads have been damaged, according to the World Bank.

UN expert: The extent of the destruction in Gaza is much worse than what happened in the cities of Dresden and Rotterdam during World War II.

UN Special Rapporteur on the right to adequate housing, Balakrishnan Rajagopal, said the scale and severity of the devastation in Gaza is “far worse than what happened in Aleppo and Mariupol or even Dresden and Rotterdam during World War II.”

It is noteworthy that the European cities of Dresden and Rotterdam were subjected to heavy bombing during World War II, which led to widespread destruction, the death and injury of tens of thousands, and the displacement of many.

Presenting his report to the Human Rights Council on Tuesday, Mr. Rajagopal said that the current crisis in Gaza “shocks the conscience of humanity.” He noted that since October 7, more than 70 percent of the total housing stock in Gaza, and more than 80 percent in parts of northern Gaza, has been damaged or destroyed, and more than 1.5 million people have been displaced from their homes in the Strip.

He added that more than a million people are crowded in Rafah, severely lacking adequate shelter during the winter, and facing famine and disease. He added: "Everything that makes housing 'adequate' - access to services, jobs or culture, schools and religious places, universities and hospitals - has all been leveled."

The independent UN expert* stressed that many conflicts around the world have increasingly witnessed “systematic or widespread, massive and arbitrary destruction” of housing and civilian infrastructure, all of which constitute a flagrant violation of international human rights law and international humanitarian law. However, he stressed that the scale and severity of The devastation in Gaza is much worse.

“When people lose their homes, they lose more than just the physical structures: a home is more than just a property. It is also a repository of memories, hopes and aspirations,” he said.

The Special Rapporteur reminded the Human Rights Council of his call, along with other UN experts, to stop arms transfers to Israel, which “are being used to destroy housing and displace residents in Gaza.” “Such arms transfers risk complicity in systematic violations of the right to adequate housing, which may constitute war crimes, crimes against humanity or acts of genocide under international law,” he added.




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