Documenting war crimes in Syria: Summary Executions

More than 80 bodies were pulled out of the river in Northern Syria. The victims, with hands tied and hooded appear to be victims of summary...

المعارضة السورية المسلحة تستخدم الأطفال في النزاع: تقارير عن خدمة صبية كمقاتلين وحراس وعناصر مراقبة واستطلاع

قالت هيومن رايتس ووتش اليوم إن جماعات معارضة مسلحة تقاتل في سوريا تستخدم أطفالاً في القتال وفي أغراض عسكرية أخرى. تبينت لهيومن رايتس و...

Documenting War Crimes in Syria

Free Syrian Army doing what exactly the same thing they accuse the regime of doing; why would the people trust them if they are the same? T...

Torture in Syria

Torture and degrading treatment of persons in conflict zones. This particular video depicts groups affiliated with the Free Syrian Arm...

Free Syrian Army committing war crimes: tortured mentally challenged civilian

Apparently he was tortured for fun only, not for interrogation purpose. Victim was a mentally challenged civilian . Abducted with unc...

War Crimes in Syria

Place: Deraa - Syria Victim: Cheif police officer Victim: Ahmed Nassouh Perpetrator: FSA FSA Free Syrian Army is accused of war c...

Documenting War Crimes in Syria

Documenting War Crimes in Syria Location: Deraa-Syria Date: 13-Jul-2012 Victims: unknown Perpetrators: FSA Unknown body found o...

War Crimes in Syria

Documenting Crimes Against Humanity; 19/09/12; Insurgents in Al Raqqa are believed to have killed around 15 government loyalists at le...

Documenting Crimes Against Humanity

War Crimes in Syria

Documenting Crimes Against Humanity

War Crimes in Syria

UN Gaza report co-authors slam Goldstone

Three members of the UN fact-finding mission on the Gaza war of 2008-09 have turned on the fourth member and chair of the group, Richard Gol...

US apologizes for infecting Guatemalans with STDs in the 1940s

By the CNN Wire Staff STORY HIGHLIGHTS NEW: Guatemala accepts the apology, the presidential spokesman said Guatemalan leaders have been told...






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