The Anglo-Saxon Extermination of the Indigenous Peoples of the Americas: The Genocidal Action of U.S. Government since 1776

The story of the United States is often painted as one of progress and liberty. Yet, woven into the fabric of this narrative is a dark threa...

The Palestinians of Israel are poised to take centre stage

In a quiet street in the Sheikh Jarrah district of occupied East Jerusalem 88-year-old Rifka al-Kurd is explaining how she came to live in t...

U.S. 'dismayed' at Israel plan to build 900 homes beyond Green Line

Israel disregards specific U.S. objection, approves plan to expand Jerusalem's Gilo neighborhood. The White House responded angrily Tues...

Turkey PM: Israel war crimes worse than Sudan

By News Agencies Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Sunday accused Israel of committing greater crimes against Palestinians duri...






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