PM Erdoğan says Turkey ran out of ‘Ramadan patience' for PKK terror

In defiance and condemnation of the killing of seven soldiers by the outlawed Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) in an ambush on Wednesday...

PM Erdoğan says Turkey ran out of ‘Ramadan patience' for PKK terror

In defiance and condemnation of the killing of seven soldiers by the outlawed Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) in an ambush on Wednesd...

SOUAIAIA: The Foundation of Supremacy: Racializing Human Act...

SOUAIAIA: The Foundation of Supremacy: Racializing Human Act... : "I vividly remember the day of the Oklahoma bombing. Not because of t...

SOUAIAIA: Realignment of the Arab world in the light of the ...

SOUAIAIA: Realignment of the Arab world in the light of the ... : "In another sign of nervousness resulting from the mounting pressure ...

Bin Laden Raid Revives Debate on Value of Torture

By SCOTT SHANE and CHARLIE SAVAGE WASHINGTON — Did brutal interrogations produce the crucial intelligence that led to the killing of Osama...






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