Explaining the Consequential ICC Application for Indicting Israeli Leaders for War and Some Western Objections to It

The Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, Karim Khan, said that he had submitted requests to the court to issue arrest warrants, s...

Court Ruling: “from the river to the sea Palestine will be free” is not illegal; is protected speech

In November, IN Germany, Berlin criminalizes slogan 'From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be free'. In the US, Congress held he...

US officials cannot seem to escape being reminded that a genocide is going on in Palestine

Anti-genoicide activists continue to remind  US officials  and public figures who continue to deny that Israel committed human rights abuse...

ICC judges approved the arrest of Israeli military and political leaders

ICC judges approve the arrest of Israeli military and political leaders indicting them of war crimes and crimes against humanity in Palestin...

Narratives of Genocide from Rwanda to Palestine

Extermination operations. These dark chapters of human history are compelling evidence of human brutality and ruthless killing. The painful ...

UN Report: Sexual harassment, torture, and humiliation that exceeded limits...ugly accounts and testimonies of the crimes committed by the Israeli army against Gaza prisoners

Horrific violations, represented by physical torture and sexual violations against women and children, were documented by the United Nations...

United Nations Special Rapporteur: Western countries cutting aid civilians in Gaza are violating their obligations under the Genocide Convention

The timing cannot be coincidental. Pointing out the West’s shocking lack of awareness to the implication of cutting aid to civilians in Gaza...

A Boycott Of Israel: Something Has Changed

By John Pilger From a limestone hill rising above Qalandia refugee camp you can see Jerusalem. I watched a lone figure standing there in the...

A Boycott Of Israel: Something Has Changed

By John Pilger From a limestone hill rising above Qalandia refugee camp you can see Jerusalem. I watched a lone figure standing there in the...

Aljazeera exclusive photos show Israeli security and armed forces using Palestinian prisoners as human shields

Al Jazeera has obtained exclusive new images showing the Israeli occupation army using Palestinian prisoners as human shields during the fi...

The General Assembly of the United Nations adopts a resolution to stop the war in Gaza and to support "UNRWA"

The United Nations General Assembly adopted, on Wednesday evening, a draft resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire in the Gaza Strip a...

Colonna report: No evidence yet of Israel’s claims against UNWRA

According to an independent review led by former French foreign minister Catherine Colonna, Israel has yet to provide supporting evidence of...







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