Leaked scenes from Israel's Megiddo prison reveal abuse of Palestinian prisoners

The Israeli newspaper Haaretz published leaked footage from the security wing of Megiddo Prison showing the abuse of Palestinian prisoners a...

Amnesty International: Israel must be investigated for war crime of 'wanton destruction'

Detailed analysis of satellite imagery and social media videos reveals extent of Israeli military’s destruction of property in its ‘buffer z...

CNN Reporting: ‘They told me to strip.’ Former Palestinian detainee says he was sexually abused in an Israeli prison

CNN is the latest Western outlets , including the Washington Post , the BBC , and New York Times , to report on Israel's torture and abu...

Rescuing a Palestinian girl who'd been buried under the rubble after an Israeli attack in Gaza

One of many instances where Israel acted on its leaders' threat to bury Gazans under the rubble ; once again, children remain the primar...

If you doubt what Israel is doing in Gaza, remember the little girl Hind

In an article published in the Guardian newspaper, British writer and journalist Owen Jones stressed the importance of recalling the detail...






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