Europe’s funding of "Human dumps" in the desert in the desert, and North African Countries Complicity in Abuse of Migrants

The investigation undertaken by the Washington Post and advocacy organizations examines the support and funding of the European Union and s...

Starvation as a weapon of War

Senior US State Department official Stacey Gilbert has revealed that the State Department falsified a report to exonerate Israel from blocki...

Media reports: Israel Used U.S.-Made Bombs in Strike That Killed Dozens in Tents Massacre

Details emerging after the attack on displaced civilians in Gaza that resulted in the " Tents Massacre " now point US government c...

Tents massacre in Rafah

Israeli Occupation Forces killed 35 refugees and wonded dozens in a tents site in Rafah on Saturday, May 27. A CNN reporter described the Te...

A German Government Official, now, Seems to Agree with World Courts: Israel Violated International Law

German Vice Chancellor Robert Habeck on Saturday accused Israel of breaking international law by continuing its offensive against Rafah, the...






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