Report: "Unspeakable horrors under the rubble"

From the start of their war, Israeli leaders stated that under the rubble Gazans shall be buried and under the rubble they are, now accordi...

Western governments respond to Israel's IDF raping Palestinian detainees and minister's call to starve Palestinians

EU, UK and France urge Israel’s government to distance itself from comments by its finance minister, Bezalel Smotrich don't react to Isr...

What should happen to US citizens accused of committing war crimes while fighting for Israel?

 With the storming of the prison where Israeli troops who were said to have tortured and sexually abused Palestinian detainees and their rel...

US government's reaction to "Welcome to Hell" report: "We support an investigation by the Israeli military into abuses committed by its soldiers against Palestinian detainees"

The White House said reports of rape , torture and abuse of Palestinian detainees by the Israeli military are "deeply disturbing,"...

B’Tselem Report on on the abuse and inhuman treatment of Palestinians held in Israeli prisons: “Welcome to Hell”

“Welcome to Hell” is a report on the abuse and inhuman treatment of Palestinians held in Israeli custody since 7 October 2023. B’Tselem col...






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