Decades of child sexual violence and rape at Illinois juvenile detention centers in Illinois , USA

Child sexual violence at Illinois juvenile detention centers was pervasive and systemic for decades, according to disturbing accounts in a l...

As Israeli Attacks on Rafah intensify, Children are killed, parents’ grief is indescribable

These innocent kids were the main target of the deadly series of Israeli airstrikes targeting over 11 homes last night in Rafah, Gaza .

HRW Says Israel Is Starving Children to Death in Gaza

Human Rights Watch finds that "Israeli government’s use of starvation as a weapon of war has proven deadly for children in Gaza." ...

Israeli strikes have killed nearly 100 Palestinian children a day in Gaza since the war started

Today, the Ministry of Health in the Gaza Strip announced that the number of victims of the Israeli attacks had risen to 30,320 dead and 71,...

Scenes documenting Israeli's sniper shooting of a woman and a child in the Sheikh Radwan neighborhood

Aljazeera releases scenes documenting Israeli's sniper shooting of a woman and a child in the Sheikh Radwan neighborhood Aljazeera obta...

Gaza's lost generation of children; Mexico and Chile refer Israel to the ICC for human rights crimes in Gaza

'Generation of lost kids' Fighting has ravaged Gaza, according to an AFP tally based on official Israeli figures. At least 24,448 Pa...






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