Suppression of Indigenous peoples at the hands of Western colonizers: The case of New Caledonia and Basque

Deadly violence continued for a third night in the French Pacific territory of New Caledonia over a proposed change to France's Constitu...

Report by a coalition of prestigious academic institutions: Israel committing genocide in Gaza

A comprehensive and meticulous  study by a coalition of prestigious academic institutions has concluded that Israel’s actions in Gaza since...

The White House: We do not consider what is happening in Gaza to be “genocide”

US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan said on Monday that President Joe Biden's administration does not consider Israel's killi...

US elected officials admit to the acceptability of using nuclear weapons to win wars

After a US general justified the killing of civilians to win wars , a US elected official acknowledges the acceptability of using nuclear we...

UNSC Security Council calls for the opening of an investigation into mass graves in Gaza

On Friday, the UN Security Council unanimously adopted a press statement proposed by Algeria, calling for immediate, independent, comprehens...






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