Media Reports on Israel's abuse of Palestinians: The horrors of Israel's shadowy detention facility for Palestinian prisoners

Recently, CNN decided to investigate the conditions under which Palestinian are held. It was denied access. It relied on the recollection of...

May 8 French Massacre of Algerians

On this day, May 8, 1945, the French massacred 45,000 Muslim children, women, and civilian men who were celebrating the end of world war II....

Israel’s indiscriminate, disproportionate retaliation cannot be explained away by the gravity of the attack of Oct. 7

Israeli leaders and their supporters among Western leaders justify the atrocities which the people of Gaza have endured for more than 200 da...

EU's Josep Borrell about Israel's continued attack on Rafah: "Enough is enough"

EU's High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Josep Borrell said: "there is not an agreem...

US retired general and former Joint Chiefs of Staff, Mark Milley: We slaughtered people in massive numbers of innocent people

Mark Milley, US retired general who served as the 20th chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said during the AI Expo for National Competiti...






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