UAE: Attorney General orders immediate investigation and referral to urgent trial of Bangladeshi protesters

Gulf States have a zero tolerance policy for public expression of dissent even if it is done peacefully. The Gulf States' rulers intoler...

Reprieve: Executions doubled under King Salman

The human rights organization Reprieve , which opposes the death penalty, in cooperation with the European Saudi Organization for Human Righ...

Human Rights Report: UK, USA, emboldened the government of Bahrain that is committing unlawful killings, torture, and imprisonment of peaceful protesters

A new report published by Amnesty International today sheds light on the repressive tactics used by the Bahraini government over the past ...

Rif, Morocco, Protests: Protest Leader Alleges Police Beat Him

(Tunis) – Police arrested and severely beat the de facto leader of ongoing social protests in Morocco’s Rif region, Human Rights Watch an...

Rif, Morocco, Protests: Protest Leader Alleges Police Beat Him

(Tunis) – Police arrested and severely beat the de facto leader of ongoing social protests in Morocco’s Rif region, Human Rights

السعودية ـ قوانين الإرهاب الجديدة تتعدى على الحقوق حملة لإسكات النشطاء السلميين






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