CNN asks: Why would you kill a grandmother?

Sara Khreis replays the last day she spent with her mother over and over in her mind.

Their family had spent weeks agonizing over whether to flee as Israeli troops moved into Gaza City’s al-Rimal neighborhood, tanks rolling past their front door and a terrifying cacophony of bombs, quadcopter drones and gunfire thundering all around them.

After two nights of bombardment so intense they thought it might blow their home apart, they were resolved: they had to go.

“We woke up on November 12, the day that I will never forget my whole life. I remember every detail in it, minutes, hours, seconds,” Sara, 18, told CNN in a recent interview, holding back tears... read more...



UN Human Rights Chief: There must be “due reckoning” for horrific violations, possible atrocity crimes in Gaza

The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights said that approximately 70% of the victims of the ongoing Israeli war on Gaza are children and women, which indicates a "systematic violation of t...

Decades of child sexual violence and rape at Illinois juvenile detention centers in Illinois , USA

Child sexual violence at Illinois juvenile detention centers was pervasive and systemic for decades, according to disturbing accounts in a lawsuit filed Monday by 95 men and women housed at the youth ...

UN experts appalled by reported human rights violations against Palestinian women and girls at the hands of Israeli officers

On Monday, the United Nations Population Fund expressed its horror at reports of Israeli officers “stripping Palestinian women and girls in Gaza of their clothes and subjecting them to rape or executi...

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