Is There a Right to Immigrate?

1. The Immigration Question Every year, close to one million individuals from foreign nations migrate to the United States legally. But...

Poor Generosity: The poorest Muslim country, Bangladesh, is doing more for refugees than all rich Arab Countries

Editors' Comment: Saudi Arabians rulers just spent nearly $500 trillions on weapons. When the Saudi rulers go on vacation, they take an...

Nobel Prize Winner, Aung San Suu Kyi, presiding over the Rohingya Genocide

Desmond Tutu condemns Aung San Suu Kyi: 'Silence is too high a price' Nobel laureate issues heartfelt letter to fellow peace prize...

Human Rights Report: UK, USA, emboldened the government of Bahrain that is committing unlawful killings, torture, and imprisonment of peaceful protesters

A new report published by Amnesty International today sheds light on the repressive tactics used by the Bahraini government over the past ...

WHO: Yemen cholera infections exceed 500,000

The World Health Organization reports that Yemen's cholera outbreak has infected more than 500,000 people since April. Nearly 2,000 peo...

Saudi Arabia's treatment of religious and ethnic minority is appalling, but no one cares or seem to be watching

Saudi Arabia is leading a military operation in Awamiyah, terrorizing tens of thousands of civilians and opposing the United Nations deman...

Rif, Morocco, Protests: Protest Leader Alleges Police Beat Him

(Tunis) – Police arrested and severely beat the de facto leader of ongoing social protests in Morocco’s Rif region, Human Rights Watch an...

Rif, Morocco, Protests: Protest Leader Alleges Police Beat Him

(Tunis) – Police arrested and severely beat the de facto leader of ongoing social protests in Morocco’s Rif region, Human Rights

Saudi Arabia executes 4 prisoners for the charges of demonstrating after torture, unfair trial and without serious crimes charged

On July 11, 2017, Saudi Arabia executed four detainees: Amjad al-Moaibad, Yusuf al-Mushayyas, Zaher al-Basri and Mahdi al-Sayegh. The ...

#MosulLiberated = #MosulDestroyed

Celebrating the liberation of Mosul, What is there to celebrate? Battle for Mosul: Amnesty accuses Islamic State, Iraq Government, US-...

منظمة العفو: العراق وحلفاؤه انتهكوا القانون الدولي في معركة الموصل

 قالت منظمة العفو الدولية يوم الثلاثاء إن الأساليب التي استخدمتها القوات العراقية والتحالف العسكري بقيادة الولايات المتحدة الذي يدعمها في ...

Court ruling over UK arms sales to Saudi Arabia a ‘deadly blow’ to Yemeni civilians

A UK court ruling that the government is entitled to continue authorizing arms supplies to Saudi Arabia is a potentially deadly setback to ...

العفو الدولية تنتقد رفض بريطانيا وقف بيع أسلحة للسعودية

قالت منظمة العفو الدولية إن رفض المحكمة العليا في لندن دعوى قضائية طالبت بوقف تصدير الأسلحة إلى المملكة العربية السعودية يُعدّ نكسة قد تك...

Raqqa operation and human rights concerns

(Beirut) – The United States-led coalition, the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), and other local armed groups should make protecting civilia...

Trump’s EO is a Muslim ban and violates the Constitution, according to International Refugee Assistance Project ("IRAP") v. Trump

RICHMOND, Va. — In a 10-3 ruling, a federal appeals court today ruled President Trump’s revised Muslim ban executive order is unconstitut...

UN Report: Israel is guilty of the crime of apartheid

A senior U.N. official resigned on Friday over the withdrawal of a report accusing Israel of imposing an "apartheid regime" on ...

Emmanuel Macron: Colonization was a crime against humanity

 Emmanuel Macron, the centrist French politician who is surging in the polls two months ahead of the presidential election, has been forc...

What To Do When Faced With Anti-Muslim Discrimination (with Arabic)

Books on Sharia and Fiqh

Books on Sharia and Fiqh:

The last legal code of the Islamic caliphate: Ottoman majalla








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