ANHRI denounces assaulting the staff of “Egypt 25 channel” and holds the authorities and the political forces responsible for the protecting media-outlets during the protests

ANHRI denounces assaulting the staff of “Egypt 25 channel” and holds the authorities and the political forces responsible for the protecting...

ANHRI denounces assaulting the staff of “Egypt 25 channel” and holds the authorities and the political forces responsible for the protecting media-outlets during the protests

The Arabic Network for Human Rights Information (ANHRI) denounces today the assault on the staff of “Egypt 25” by unknown people during performing their job and media covering the Friday of dignity in Tahrir square, held them and ban them from continuing the live broadcast from Tahrir and confiscation of their equipments.
The correspondent “Ahmed Abdualeem” was surprised during the media-coverage of the demonstration on last Friday, when unknown person, his voice appears live, demanded from the staff of the channel to show their identities and forced them to shutdown the camera in addition to stop broadcasting, as he said “it is banned fro Egypt 25 channel which belongs to MB to broadcast from Tharir”, without having any capacity to do that. Then he and who were with him, held the staff and confiscated their equipments before they give it back to them after paying an amount of “3500 EGP about “650 USD” according to the correspondent of the channel.

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