ICC Lawyer, Gilles Duver: It's not just Israel's military aggression, it's not just war crimes or crimes against humanity, it's actual genocide

Vladimir Putin was indicted for allegedly transferring some children, alive, from a war zone to Russia. The ICC acted . Thousands of childre...

Aid workers and UN staffers' deaths in Gaza near 90

Officials from the UN Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) released a statement on 5 November calling for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. ...

The Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor documents the torture of Palestinian detainees by occupation soldiers

The Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor said on Tuesday that it documented severe abuse and torture against civilians and Palestinian d...

Guterres: Hamas attacks did not occur in a vacuum and do not justify Israel's mass killing in Gaza

United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres called - today, Tuesday - for a “humanitarian ceasefire” in the Gaza Strip, and said that ...

Caribbean countries announce their intention to demand compensation from European governments for crimes of slavery

The British newspaper " The Times " reported that "Caricom", a bloc of 15 Caribbean countries, will demand an official a...

A court in France condemns the State for violating the rights of detainees: prisons infested with bugs and mold

Administrative wisdom in the French city of Montpellier condemned the French state for the inhuman and degrading treatment of convicts held ...






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